
fundamental stocks analysis

Fundamental Analysis on stocks: How do you do it?

Fundamental Stocks Analysis When you do a fundamental stocks analysis, all you want to gain out of it is to understand how the company operates, their strategy, the success rate of their strategy, the financial health of the business and the company  future plans. By reading and analysing reports you will know how the company is performing […]

trading paypal ipo

PayPal IPO gives new investment opportunity

Today is the  PayPal IPO. After  thirteen years being with Ebay, Paypal is now a separate company on the stock exchange. And that is good news for us investors and traders. If you are interested in investing in Paypal then you must read this article. In this article you will get to know what the […]

Starbucks shares : Good Longterm investment or not?

Starbucks shares: A good long-term investment?

Starbucks is one the company shares that I have in my own portfolio. I have bought the shares in 2014 for a price of 64 dollar per share. And then in April 2015 Starbucks did a stock split at a stock price of $95.23. So instead of having one Starbucks stock I have now two […]

online stocks trading profit

Online Stocks Trading in CTRIP: 1019 euro Profit

By trading stocks online in a smart way, we made 1019 euro profit yesterday. In this article we will introduce you to trading smart in stocks by explaining it with a real example.  After reading this article you can start trading too. Online stocks trading: how did we make a profit? Trading in CFD is […]

Alibaba stock: Good or no good?

After their IPO on 19th September 2014 the price of Alibaba stock was started at $92,30. And reached the highest price of $120 on the 14th of November 2014. From there the stock price of Alibaba declined to $82,15 today 21th of April when writing this article. What causes the declining? Well since Alibaba’s highest pike […]